Total distance: 44.71km of running + 22.6km of cycling
If you missed the first article in this series, click here for details on my race.
Hard to believe that we are already at week eleven with less than ten weeks to go until race day! Reflecting on the last couple of weeks, I haven’t pushed my overall mileage up too much, but I can definitely feel that being back on the trail and adding strength and hill workouts has me working a bit harder overall. Here’s hoping it takes me through race day strong!
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 1 hour strength
No run on Tuesday, but a full hour of strength exercises for runners following a series of You Tube videos. Included some fun exercises and none of the brutal ab work that you so often get in strength classes.
Wednesday - 10.7km
Wednesday was another Mile2Marathon trail workout — this time a warm up with a 5km time trial. Will be interesting to see how my time changes when we head back to this loop later in the summer!
Thursday - 6.5km
Thursday the pupper and I got absolutely drenched running along the river in a rainstorm. After the heat we’ve had for the last few weeks it was honestly really refreshing to get soaked! This was also a really good chance to test out my new lightweight rain jacket which held up really well — it didn't wet out and I didn’t get totally sweaty inside!
Friday - 22.6 km Peloton Ride
Still enjoying being able to link my watch to my bike computer and look at the metrics from my ride. I started out with a half hour steady state ride while watching Grey’s Anatomy, then switched to over to a 20 min 90s music Peloton ride and a 5 min cool down ride. I’ve reached the part of Grey’s Anatomy where it gets awful for a while, so I am also accepting new suggestions for tv shows to watch while cycling!
Saturday - 10.4km
Im noticing a trend where my legs felt incredibly slow and creaky after bike workouts and Saturday was no exception. It took about 44min of walk/jog before my legs turned over into something resemble a run.
I found a pair of shorts I can actually run in, which is really exciting! The bad news was I split off the main trail we usually do in the Mer Bleue bog area and unfortunately ended up hiking through the tall weeds and getting my feet soaked. Didn’t pick up any ticks - but the sharp weeds tore up my legs much more than they would have in my usual tights.
Sunday - 16.9km
I went out with the M2M Trail Crew but my legs just weren’t able to keep up with the pace of the much faster runners. Since I don’t enjoy feeling grouchy with myself about not keeping up, I decided to peel off from the main group and do my own hike/run combo at whatever pace seemed sustainable, which ended up being about 10’10/km. I was able to do a loop of Pink Lake which was nice - the trail bans dogs so we haven’t done it in years.
My new Coros watch introduced an entertaining new feature this week - it tries to estimate how much rest time you need before your next hard effort.
Unfortunately, it already thought I should be taking a break on Friday night. After Sunday’s run it was adamant that I should be taking a day off (several actually).