Total distance: 44.24km of running + 5.79km of stand up paddleboarding
If you missed the first article in this series, click here for details on my race.
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 5.1km
Tuesday’s workout involved a quick warm up before running several reps up and down the stairs behind parliament. I was entertained to discover that a handful of other people had also woken up early to run the same set of stairs (much more gracefully than I was!)
Wednesday - 11km
Wednesday was my first Mile2Marathon trail workout - we hit the trails to work on quick downhills and strong uphill climbs.
Thursday - Rest and holiday
I happily spent the day lounging in the hammock.
Friday - 3km
I headed out for a run but ran up against the terrible trifecta of chafing, sore muscles, and having had a bad night sleep. Luckily, I did manage to summon the energy for a 4.4km tour around the lake by paddle board which was delightful.
Saturday - 11.6km hike
Saturday I checked out a new trail with some lovely views (and the bugs weren’t too bad!) Will definitely be going back to do some additional exploring.
Sunday - 13.5km
Sunday I couldn’t manage to get out to the trails so instead I did a 13.5km (7’40/km) loop up the canal. I had meant to go early but didn’t get out the door until after it started heating up - luckily I was able to use Landsdowne as a bit of an aid station to restock. Will need to remember this so I can hit up the farmer’s market on future runs!