Total distance: 42.8km of running + 12km of cycling
If you missed the first article in this series, click here for details on my race.
What a week. So much heat, so much humidity, so much work and life stuff to get in the way of training!
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 4.9km little hills!
Tuesday morning I took the dog to run some hill repeats — hard run up, recover on the way down the hill. Turns out that the hill I consider painfully steep to bike up isn’t quite as long or steep as I make it seem in my mind.
Wednesday - 7km BIG Hils
Wednesday Mile2Marathon workout this week was climbing up and running down the ski hill. It was hot, humid and not all pretty (although the view from the top was incredible!) Much as I hate to admit It, more uphills like this is probably how I need to spend my last few weeks of training.
Thursday - Oops
Life interfered and Thursday’s planned strength workout did not happen. Honestly, the extra day off felt pretty good and the dog got a good run at the off leash park, so all’s well that ends well.
Friday - Another iffy day
Friday was just way too hot and humid to manage a full hour workout on my spin bike in my non-air conditioned office. Made it 12km - about half an hour - and then made up about half of the strength workout that I missed on Thursday.
Saturday - 20.9 glorious kilometres of hiking
Saturday the dog and I ventured out to Frontenac Provincial Park - one of my absolute favourite places to hike. It was gloriously about 5 degrees cooler than in the city, and quiet quiet quiet on the trails. We set out to do one of the bigger more technical loops and did one of the longest days out training plan so far (almost 5 hours).
The deer flies were a real problem until a light rain started to fall and they all disappeared. The rain was really nice except that my Altra Superiors do not have the same level of grip as my long peaks which made for slow going on the slick rocks.
We also saw at least six deer including the handsome fellow below.
Sunday - 10km
We made it out to the woods early enough that the humidity wasn’t too much of a problem yet. After the long hike the day before, I went with an easier trail and had a really lovely comfortable 10km (7’59/km) run. I probably could have kept going, but the doggo was feeling the heat so we called it at 10km and went for a swim at the cottage :D
So handsome!